All About Men's Secret

How To Know Female Sexual Characters From Her Favorites Fruits

Banana.Women who love to eat bananas can be classified as a large female sexual desire, her domestic life without sex is just nothingness, essentially no day that passes without a romance though. The man who has a wife of this type should always keep his stamina.


Apples.Women who love to eat apples, very fond of keeping the body and sexual organs. Rare man who can turn away from him.
Papaya.Women who love to eat papaya fruit, usually the body will flourish, and a bit lazy to keep his body harmony. If it seems you have to motivate!
Watermelon.Women who love to eat the watermelon fruit is a type of closed even taboo to talk about sexual intercourse in public. For her body relationship is something very personal. This is not a bad thing, you need not doubt it. When you know the tricks to defeated him, then he would get the warmth and at the same time a very exceptional service.
Eggplant.In the romance though, as this type of woman is very cold, even frigid. Only a man who is really expert that can inflame sexual desire. Faced with this kind of woman, it takes patience, tenderness and seduction of death.
Yum.This type of woman like this has a very smooth skin and sparkling white. He is very slick in keeping his face. Unfortunately, he is the kind of woman who is very closed in sexual matters, his passion was mediocre.
Oranges.Though his words often curt, women of this type have a very large appetite. When you've won her heart, and able to arouse sexual desire, he will bow the knee. Women like this is very happy with game sweep of the tongue on his body.
Durian.Although this type of woman briefly seemed harsh and indifferent, even sometimes seem difficult to approach, but if there is a capable man he defeated in a very romantic love affairs.
Young Coconut.Because of very sensitive feelings, as your partner to be extra careful in keeping his feelings. In addition, his heart is very small, timid and passive, but if there is a man who had conquered this palace princess type female, it is certain he will get a blend of sexual services and soft touch feeling.
Jack fruit.Be careful with this type of woman, one man fell into his arms, it is certain he will be hard to escape from it. Has its charm as a very extraordinary adhesive like glue .. He is the type of woman conqueror of men, though sometimes her for granted, but that can make male sex game to its knees is very remarkable.
Carrots.This type of woman usually has a charm in his eyes, sometimes looks sparkling clear, and occasionally looked wistful, inviting passion.

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